Are you ready to own your sexuality? Reclaim it, heal it and celebrate it!
Women need a safe space in which to heal, explore, examine and learn about their sexuality. Those spaces are few and far between in this world. It is rare that you have time and space to explore deeply your sexuality in a circle of other women, to bare the stories and shame that need baring, to release what needs releasing, to grow and let go of old stuff so you can move into a place of power.
So many things keep women out of touch with their power and desires when it comes to sex and sexuality.
Maybe you’ve dealt with the feeling that there is something wrong with you and your desires. Maybe you don’t have the orgasms you hear other women talk about and can’t figure out how to get there, or you feel low sexual desire and depletion that zaps your sexual spark. Perhaps you (like most people) have never learned how to talk about sex confidently, or to talk about what you need and really want… because you’re not sure exactly what that is. Maybe you have a sexual past you haven’t made peace with, and want to get rid of sexual shame, guilt, or baggage that has weighed you down. Whatever your unique story, you are not alone. So much can change when you enter a space that is dedicated to women celebrating, reclaiming and healing their sexuality.
LoveSkin is for women who are ready to take the next step on their erotic evolution.
Are you ready to honor your sexuality in a deeper way? Many women who come to us are not strangers to self-transformation–whether through therapy, coaching, 12 Step, spiritual speaking or other paths, what they share is the feeling of being on a lifelong journey. You cannot be in your full power without addressing your sexuality. Is NOW the time for you to do this deep work on your sexual self?
Are you ready to change? This intensive is for the woman who is ready to let go of old hurts she may have carried for a long time, or that may be woven into her family line and herstory. If you are ready to heal wounds, to release what needs to be released, LoveSkin will help you change your experiences of sexuality, relationships and intimacy in a deep way. Explore what awaits you.
Are you a YES to more pleasure, ecstasy and power? LoveSkin is for the woman who wants to find and release her sexual voice, to ask for what she wants from a place of assurance and ease. This retreat will radically change your experience in relationships and connect you to your sexuality as a source of your power. You will find what has been missing in your sexuality and integrate it into ALL of who you are.
LoveSkin welcomes adult women of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, relationship styles, religious/spiritual affiliations, and gender presentations. We also welcome non-binary folks identified female at birth to participate.
This unique immersion is a series of women’s sexuality retreats with master teacher Amy Jo Goddard designed to help women do the deep work on their sexual selves that will empower and affect every aspect of their being.
For women who want to retreat to a beautiful sanctuary where you will explore new frontiers of your desire, embodiment and pleasure… Spend three exquisite weekends with Amy Jo, her team and a group of creative, on fire women at LoveSkin: an Erotic Mystery Intensive for Women. Give yourself the gift that few people ever get to experience: a sacred experience of sisterhood and deep learning in a space where sexuality is honored and revered. Awaken your desires, activate your erotic energy and get in touch with your sexual intelligence.

- In depth exploration of the body & anatomy: all the things you never knew about your body and pleasure (and definitely never learned in Sex Ed)
- Pleasure tools, techniques and ecstatic breathwork to help you claim your orgasm and enjoy your body and sexuality
- Exploration of what you really desire, beyond what has been expected or demanded of you
- Sexual communication skills that will empower you to talk your desires, needs, boundaries and fantasies from a place of confidence and clarity
- Sacred play that brings deep experiences and somatic experiencing you will lock in and know in the cells of your being
- Exquisite Pleasure Rituals to awaken your desires and expand your erotic life
- Deep witnessing, connection and fun with a powerful group of women who are ready to go deep
- Restorative downtime for rest and integration
- All-inclusive 3-day retreats at a lush location with delicious nutrition—just get yourself there!
When & Where:
Retreat 1, The Body, Sex & Pleasure: March 29-31, 2019, Big Bear, CA
Retreat 2, Desire, Communication & Play: July 26-28, 2019, Big Bear, CA
Retreat 3, Fire Woman Retreat: September 27-29, 2019, San Diego County, CA (this event is open to all women, click here to learn more)
Private retreat space includes accommodations and nutritious meals
LoveSkin is an experiential process that is about peeling back the many layers of your sexuality to celebrate them, heal them, nourish them, explore them and embrace them. Because the group experience is so important, enrollment to this intensive happens on an invitation-only basis. Applicants apply online and book a time to speak with a program coordinator or Amy Jo. Applications are reviewed by Amy Jo and team iSexy, and a limited number of women are invited to attend.
About Amy Jo
Amy Jo Goddard earned her Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education from New York University and has 20+ years of experience in the sexuality field. As a sought after speaker and teacher, Amy Jo travels to colleges, communities, and conferences speaking about sexuality and sexual empowerment. She delivered her TEDx talk “Owning Your Sexual Power” in Napa Valley, was named one of GO! Magazine’s “100 Women We Love” and one of Kinkly’s “100 Sex Blogging Superhereos.” Amy Jo teaches several unique sexual empowerment intensives and offers sexuality retreats, while maintaining a private practice. She is the author of Woman on Fire: Nine Elements to Wake up Your Erotic Energy, Personal Power and Sexual Intelligence and coauthor of Lesbian Sex Secrets for Men (Penguin Random House).
What Women Are Saying
“Before I began this work I was full of shame and judgment. It was hard to rejoice in my sexual expression without thinking about religion or culture. My sexual life was on pause; I was taking care of everyone else before myself. I was really curious about my sexuality, and knew I wanted to make a shift. I was tired of not being able to orgasm. I wanted to learn to fully express myself sexually, and fulfill my desires.
Coming out of the program, I am free to be me…authentically in pride and ecstasy. To all the women who are considering doing this work, you won’t regret it! You deserve it, and owe it to yourself; you will step out of this work renewed!”
– Teresa, 44, social worker
“Amy Jo is a great facilitator and educator.”
“Amy Jo is a great facilitator and educator. She is very grounded. Her openness about her own sexuality and emotions was very helpful in setting the tone of the program and she helped create an atmosphere of openness among all participants. The program gave me some amazing learning experiences that I will remember forever. Most of all, I feel a lot more comfortable about my own sexuality and I now have a greater sense of excitement for adventure that I will bring back to my relationship with my husband.”
– Anna, 51
“I recommend this journey to all women wanting to live a fulfilled life .”
“I now stand more grounded in who I am as a sensual being, swing my hips with more awareness of my body, flirt with more confidence, speak to my lover with a deeper and more honest intention, pray with a bit more attention, make love more deeply/wildly/soft/without walls OR sometimes I retreat back to where I was before yet I’m more mindful about it.
It is an everyday (sometimes extremely hard) journey no doubt. However, the tools and energetic fuel I have gained keep me mindful and intentional and capable of saying yes everyday, no matter how quiet or LOUD! I seriously wholeheartedly recommend this journey to all women wanting to live a fulfilled life in every way and are willing to accept the challenge to do so.”
– Kiki, 35
“I now see what joy and ease can be possible for me in my sexuality.”
“Before I began this work, I was in a place where I felt a huge weight of guilt, anxiety and turmoil when it came to the topic of sex with my husband. And I felt it was all self-inflicted. It was the only part of our relationship that caused me grief. I chose to do this work because I didn’t know what else to do. I had tried working on things on my own, tried solo and couples therapy, and nothing had helped much. I knew I needed both depth AND prolonged support.
“After working with Amy Jo I can finally talk about sex (!!!) with my partner, with friends, and others. I can identify when my blocks come up and I am equipped with the tools to work through them! It is truly remarkable to see what I have been able to breakthrough both during and between the weekends! I now see what joy and ease can be possible for me in my sexuality.”
– Michelle F.
“I am more trusting, confident, authentic, playful, joyful, powerful!”
“Now that I have experienced Amy Jo’s Women’s Program I am more trusting, confident, authentic, playful, joyful, powerful! ‘Agency’ is a term that I have come to embrace and take a hold of. I feel the most in-touch with a deeper compass than I ever have, and it’s achieved through a tender balance of fighting for what you want and letting go of control.
“Amy Jo has created an amazing container where this intangible task becomes possible and from it is born a deep connection to your world, your community, and most importantly: YOURSELF!“
– Mae, 26
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